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Patients’ Rights: What You Need To Know

Posted by iowacityasc on Jul 25, 2019 7:38:48 AM

Patients’ Rights: What You Need to Know

In the world of healthcare, there are a lot of rules and regulations. All of the fine print and codes can be overwhelming as a patient, and healthcare can be intimidating for many.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lost as a patient, even if you’re in need of care.

While it seems as though there are many rules you have to follow as a patient, it should be comforting to know that there are rules your care providers have to follow as well.

These rules inform your care providers on how to treat you and other patients, and they outline your rights as a patient.

Although it sometimes feels like you are under the control of your care providers, as a patient you have rights that dictate what care you receive and how you receive it.

Knowing your rights can help alleviate concerns about your needed care and being informed on your rights can help you receive the best care possible.

Respect and Service

When it comes to patients’ rights, the basic principles behind them come down to respect and service.

As a patient, you have the right to respect and being treated with dignity.

Healthcare can be overwhelming at times because of how fast-paced the industry is due to high patient demand.

However, your time is valuable, and you are entitled to being treated respectfully by your care providers.

For care providers, this means they are courteous and prompt with patients, but it also means you should expect a certain level of dignity as well, as a patient.

Right to Choose

Being treated with dignity means receiving the care you need regardless of your sex, race, age, or sexual orientation.

It also means you are entitled to proper, helpful information from your care provider about the status of your health needs and your treatment options.

Along with these rights, you are entitled to a second opinion, and, perhaps most importantly, you have the right to choose where and from whom you receive care.

At Iowa City ASC, our team of care providers stand behind all of the important parts that make up patients’ rights, but we are especially passionate about a patient’s right to choose where and from whom they receive their care.

This is a vital part of your rights as a patient, but, sadly, for one reason or another, many patients do not exercise this part of their rights.

Cost Effective

While healthcare is intimidating for many patients, exercising your rights is important for receiving the care you need that is also cost-effective.

If you’ve recently been recommended to have a surgical procedure, and hospitalization is not needed, choosing to have your procedure done at an ASC like Iowa City ASC can be a more cost-effective option.

ASCs provide outpatient surgeries that are more cost-effective than the same procedures done in a hospital setting.


By researching your care options, you’ll be a more informed patient, and by being a more informed patient, you’ll be better able to exercise your right as a patient to choose where and from whom you receive your care.

Patients’ rights is one of the driving philosophies of healthcare, and knowing your rights and how to exercise them will help you get the most out of your care.

Healthcare is dependent on healthy relationships between patients and their care providers.

Patients’ rights, when promoted by care providers, makes healthcare more effective for patients, and when patients are knowledgeable of their rights, they contribute to making healthcare a better system for themselves and care providers.

As a patient, you are entitled to respect, service, and dignity, and you have the right to choose where and from whom you receive care.

By being knowledgeable of your rights and by exercising them, you’ll get the most out healthcare while contributing to making the system better for others.

While it seems as though there are many rules you have to follow as a patient, it should be comforting to know that there are rules your care providers have to follow as well. These rules inform your care providers on how to treat you and other patients, and they outline your rights as a patient. As a patient, you have the right to respect and being treated with dignity, and you have the right to choose where and from whom you receive care.

Topics: Patient Rights, Why Choose an ASC

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